April 9
, 2022
How do Medical Bills Get Paid in a PA Personal Injury Claim? You are a victim of a car accident. As you rest and recuperate at home, the mailbox fills with medical bills from your injuries. You haven’t gone back to work yet, so how will you pay these bills? The insurance company has contacted
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October 16
, 2020
On September 29, 2020, a Federal Court in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania found in favor of the positions advocated by lawyers for Cohen & Riechelson. After Imelda Arevalo was injured in a rear-end car accident while she was a passenger in a friend’s vehicle, she sought payment of medical bills and uninsured motorist benefits
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June 3
, 2020
Negligence can be wide-ranging and can be the result of errors in diagnosis, treatment, and aftercare or health management. What exactly constitutes medical malpractice? The all too common belief is that if someone is facing a medical procedure, emergency or otherwise, and the result is less than ideal then it is the fault of the
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