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Failure to Yield Related Accidents

Experienced Failure to Yield Accident Lawyers Navigating Through Collisions Caused by Failing to Yield the Right of Way and Seeking Compensation for Injuries in Newtown, Croydon, and Northeast Philly

Failure to Yield Related Accidents in Northeast PhillyDespite a driver’s training and best efforts to maintain road safety, accidents happen. As the number of distractions within a car and on the road increase, accidents have increased as well. One of the most common causes of accidents in crowded Northeast Philadelphia is failure to yield. Read on to learn more about what a failure-to-yield accident is, how it can be avoided, and what to do if you’re injured in an accident caused by someone else’s failure to properly yield.

Understanding a Failing to Yield Accident in PA

A failure-to-yield accident is one that is caused by someone’s failure to properly give way at a yield sign while making a left turn or while turning right at a stop light, resulting in their hitting a car, bike, or pedestrian that had the right of way. Even if someone does slow down to yield, they can still be at fault in an accident if, while slowing, they did not keep an eye fully out for others on the roadway and cause an accident.

Common Circumstances Around Failure to Yield Accidents

Unfortunately, failure-to-yield accidents are very common. As noted above, the three most encountered failure-to-yield accidents involve yields and turns. Automobiles that merge onto Northeast Philadelphia roadways without properly yielding cause a number of moderate-speed accidents that often result in severe vehicle damage and injury. In addition, cars and motorcycles rushing to make a left turn before the arrival of oncoming traffic put themselves and those in the approaching vehicles in great danger. Numerous T-bone accidents occur as a result of such failures to yield, causing serious injuries. And, hasty right turns after a brief pause or slowing down at a traffic light cause numerous failure-to-yield accidents, especially at crosswalks where pedestrians with the right of way are crossing.

As one can tell, distracted and impatient drivers cause the majority of failure-to-yield accidents. The only way to make Northeast Philly’s roads safer in this respect is to remember as drivers that there is no reason to rush; that is more important than arriving safely.

Failure to Yield: Ranking High in PA Statistics

According to the National Safety Council, up to 15 percent of accidents are caused by a driver’s failure to yield. And because of the positions in which colliding cars meet when one fails to yield to oncoming traffic, as well as the vulnerability faced by pedestrians placed in harm’s way while crossing a street with the right of way, failure-to-yield accidents are the second leading cause of death by automobile.

Frequent Injuries Resulting From Failure to Yield Accidents

Many collisions that are caused by one or more vehicles’ failure to yield result in head and neck injuries, broken bones, and spinal cord injuries. Whiplash is a common injury resulting from collision or rapid braking, while a number of spinal cord injuries can result from the impact of a t-bone or other impact collision.

Defensively Driving as a Way to Avoid These Types of Accidents

Frequent Injuries Resulting From Failure to Yield Accidents PAThe best way to avoid a failure-to-yield accident is to drive defensively. Regardless of road laws, drivers often engage in risky behaviors due to rush, distraction, or simple negligence. When approaching an intersection or an on-ramp in which another party is expected to yield while you have the right of way, approach with caution. Remember, however, that slamming on the brakes for fear of another’s failure to yield can also place you and surrounding motorists in a dangerous situation, so while you approach a high-risk area with caution, do proceed if you have the right of way.

Steps to Follow After a Failure-to-Yield Accident

If you have been injured in an accident, first seek emergency medical care and, as possible, remove vehicles from further danger by clearing the roadway. After all involved parties are physically out of danger, and initial medical attention has been received, file a claim with your Pennsylvania auto insurer. Then, immediately contact a personal injury lawyer to support you in filing a personal injury lawsuit against the responsible party.

Contact Bensalem Accident Attorneys for Help Filing a Failure to Yield Accident Claim in Pennsylvania

If you have been injured due to someone else’s failure to yield on a Northeast Philadelphia or other Pennsylvania roadway, it is essential to contact a lawyer with experience handling these types of accidents claims. Having the right legal team engaged in your case can level the playing field when you are recovering from this traumatic event and confronted by powerful opposing forces like insurance companies who are counting on your vulnerability. Our Northeast Philadelphia failure to yield accident lawyers do not back down to opposing interests as we fight to recover damages for your accident injuries, including medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, out-of-pocket costs, and pain and suffering. You have the right to be compensated for economic and non-economic damages.

We’re committed to pursuing the maximum financial recovery on your behalf. If your accident occurred in Northeast Philadelphia & Lower Bucks County in towns like Yardley, Fairless Hills, Doylestown, Bensalem, and Levittown, contact Cohen & Riechelson at (215) 337-4915 or fill out the online contact form for a free consultation to discuss your grounds for a lawsuit and find out how we can help.

Free Case Evaluation for Pennsylvania Injury Victims

With looming medical bills and the uphill battle of recovery ahead, we do not burden you with yet another financial responsibility during this trying time. We abide by a contingency model, which essentially means that until you receive compensation, we work for you for free. With centrally-located offices in Bensalem, our skilled legal professionals have been serving clients throughout Bucks County and Northeast Philadelphia for over 40 years. We are committed to providing unparalleled advocacy, advisement, and assistance to our clients while confronting those who would seek to deter you as aggressive, unwavering champions of your interests. Contact our Bensalem offices today to request your free, confidential consultation.